The Union government's National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) is aimed to provide every rural person with adequate safe and quality water for drinking, cooking and other basic domestic needs on a sustainable basis. Such water should be conveniently accessible to the rural people at all times and in all situations.
In the 12th Five Year Plan period, under the NRDWP, the Ministry is giving special emphasis on piped water supply in rural habitations.
States are being asked to plan for coverage of habitations with piped water supply through stand posts or household connections.
In addition to the fact that this shall reduce the drudgery and time taken in the collection of water, it shall also facilitate in tackling the problem of drinking water quality in the habitations affected with water issues.
In addition, to accelerate the setting up piped water supply systems in rural areas in States where such coverage is low, the Ministry has proposed a project with World Bank support in parts of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh which focuses on setting up piped water supply systems.