A budget of Rs 396.47 lakh has been released for road works in Varanasi. The fund for road construction has been allocated to PWD. With this, the turmoil of the Varanasi city commuters may soon come to an end after monsoon seasonl, said the district magistrate PranjalYadav.
The main roads which have been included in the budget are Rathyatracrossing-Dashaswamedh, Vijaya crossing Ravindrapuri-Lanka and Vijayacrossing-Sonarpura crossing roads.With the budget of Rs 405 crore, roads including JP Mehta Inter College-Central Jail-ShivpurPuranaChungi, Sajancrossing-Teliabagh crossing, Mahmoorganj-Sigra, Kamaksha-Gurubagh and Sonarpura-Bhelupur roads, will become better for traffic movement. The DM assured that works on all these roads would start immediately after monsoon ends.