Jammu and Kashmir government has started fresh negotiations with Punjab government to get its legitimate share of electricity from the Thein Dam Hydel project. A three member panel has been constituted by the government to get electricity from the project in accordance with the agreement signed by former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah with his Punjab counterpart Prakash Singh Badal in 1979.
Documents in possession of Greater Kashmir reveal that Principal Secretary Power Development Department, Arun Kumar Mehta has set-up a three member committee to explore ways and means for availing l state’s share from the project. Development Commissioner Power J&K, Chief Engineer System and Operation Jammu, Chief Engineer Commercial & Survey JK constitute the panel.
The issue regarding allocation of 120 mw power from Ranjeet Sagar dam to JK was discussed with the Development Commissioner Power (DCP) J&K, Chief Engineer System and Operation and Director Planning, PDD. This issue has been pending for a long time and not reached the state of conclusion. A team is hereby constituted to resolve the issue immediately so that the JK can avail its legitimate share. The committee would ensure that this power is made available in near future at economical rate, an order reads so.