As the Karnataka government took a decision to hire services of two captains for minor ports on contract basis at Old Mangalore Port, the agitating users of Old Mangalore Port withdrew their strike on October 22. They were demanding for the services of the captains for survey of vessels.
The Old Mangalore Port Users’ Association said that the users have decided to withdraw the strike following a Government order in this regard. Since the last two months, there was no officer at the port to carry out the annual inspection for the renewal of the validity certificate of vessels. This had affected the operation of cargo vessels bound for Lakshadweep Islands at Old Mangalore Port.
The Association had stated that the port operates between September and May, and any impediment during the period would affect them. In an order dated October 22, the Under Secretary for Ports and Inland Water Transport Department, Karnataka Government, said that piloting and surveying of vessels are technical in nature.