After the 'Samaikhyandhra' protests, now cargo handling operations at Visakhapatnam port have been hit by incessant rains over the last three to four days. At least eight berths have been hit at the Visakhapatnam Port Trust (VPT) due to the incessant rains, say media reports.
Ships docked at Vizag port have neither been able to load or unload cargo, resulting in heavy losses for vessel operators. The heavy rains have also brought to a standstill the conveyor system handling iron ore during the last three days as part of it has got inundated.
The delay in handling cargo to the tune of around 2.4 lakh tonne of cargo has caused losses of around Rs 60 crore to the industry. Vessels at five berths handling dry bulk and break bulk cargo in the inner harbour, including EQ (East Quay) 3 to 7, have been unable to discharge cargo due to continuous rains.