Chennai-based VA Tech Wabag has bagged Rs 35 crore contract from the Delhi Jal Board. The company will commission and handover the state-of-the-art water treatment plant to Delhi Jal Board during the first quarter of 2010, six months ahead of the nineteenth Common Wealth Games (CWG). The overall scope of work includes design, construction, supply, installation, testing, commissioning, trial run, one year defect liability and three year operation and maintenance. The high tech water treatment plant will cater to all the water requirements of over 8,000 athletes and officials from 71 Common Wealth Games Associations during the CWG.
The company is currently in process of implementing four projects cumulatively amounting to about Rs 600 crore involving setting up new water treatment and sewage treatment plants, refurbishment and running these plants. The plant will be set up on the banks of river Yamuna.
The plant will be fully automatic multi barrier system, which will produce ultra pure quality water by treating borewell water through its two stage chemical coagulation and sedimentation in reactor clarifier followed by tube settler. Further advancement will be done by ultra filtration and disinfection by ultraviolet system.